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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

No Evil Online Gallery

Here is a collection of 5943 people who have participated in the project so far. Explore and see the variety of people doing good deeds in their communities. You can also see all the labels, groups of people, photographers, and a world map of where everyone is from!

5061 - 5070 of 5943


Estados Unidos
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I volunteer at a shelter near my school once a week so the homeless children who are staying at the shelter can have time and space to play around and simply be kids.
Why are you participating?: 

Because I believe that the way a person looks should never stop you from finding out his or her story.


Worcester, MA
Estados Unidos
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I saved a hummingbird whose beak had become stuck when it tried to fly through a window screen. Let it recover in a bowl of soft grass and keep it hydrated with misted water. After about 20 minutes, I went to check on the bird and it looked at me briefly from a supine position, and then it flew straight up like a helicopter and sped away. Amazing!
Why are you participating?: 

I find the concept both intriguing and uplifting.


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