fbpx Shanice | No Evil Project: Mother, Aries & Tattooed stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester , MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

My good deed is always giving back. Always helping the less fortunate! It's amazing what the smallest gesture can do for someone who wasn't having the best day. A smile is contagious!! :)

Why are you participating?: 

I'm participating because this is an awesome project. It's nice to see people of all ages supporting positivity. It's nice to read the different labels people put.

Shanice: Mother, Aries, Tattooed - My good deed is always giving back. Always helping the less fortunate! It's amazing what the smallest gesture can do for someone who wasn't having the best day. A smile is contagious!! :)

Why Participate