fbpx Pat | No Evil Project: Intuitive, Independent & Irish stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I am a secret agent for love, joy, and empowering children and families in any way that I can. I am a way-shower and cheerleader, teacher and advocate, coach and mentor, educator and perpetual student of life. I am Aunt Boo, sister, daughter, friend, teacher, actress, writer, thinker, and dreamer. After fifty-plus years of dieting and shame, I no longer diet and live in shame or fear. With more wakeups behind me than ahead, I choose to do my best to live a life focused on what truly matters. No Evil - Live On!

Why are you participating?: 

I think this is a WONDERFUL project celebrating our diversity and oneness and busting stereotypes!!!
No Evil backwards is Live On!

Pat: Intuitive, Independent, Irish - I am a secret agent for love, joy, and empowering children and families in any way that I can. I am a way-shower and cheerleader, teacher and advocate, coach and mentor, educator and perpetual...