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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Teacher Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 61 - 70 of 134


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I teach new-comer immigrants that come to the US for a better life. All kids deserve a chance to have a better life and I love giving them a proper education.


Worcester , MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I served in the Peace Corps in Niger, West Africa.
Why are you participating?: 

Any efforts to combat evil, prejudice, ignorance are worth supporting!


United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
The African proverb says "It takes a village to raise a child". As a mother, daughter, and sister, I am active in community organizations, especially those that support youth, literacy, and the environment.
Why are you participating?: 

I believe in compassion and optimism! This project is a wonderful reminder to embrace our diversity.


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