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No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.

Dog Lover Stereotypes Redefined

Displaying 171 - 180 of 193


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
Pretty soon I will be going to Haiti to volunteer at the Be Like Brit orphanage. I also make it a point to call or visit my 86 year old grandmother at least once a week!
Why are you participating?: 

I think that everyone can be just a little bit nicer!


Charlton, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
Participating in road races for local charities.
Why are you participating?: 

I am participating because I believe it is important to show folks that anyone can be more than just a label.


Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I make it a point to perform a random act of kindness every day- something as simple as letting someone through in traffic, or something as complex as performing CPR on someone and saving their life in a grocery store parking lot (yes, it happened). I believe that one of the most important things in life is contributing something positive to the lives of others.


Sutton, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I try to compliment at least one person a day. It's such an easy, free way to help boost someone's mood.
Why are you participating?: 

Labels affect everyone. This project seems like a great way to start spreading some positivity!


Tell Us Your Good Deed: 
I help raise money annually for the American Cancer Society and currently chair the United Way campaign at my employer. ...and I compulsively pick up trash at the beach. :)
Why are you participating?: 

My fabulous friend Sandie told me about it and I love the idea.


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