fbpx Brenda | No Evil Project: Atheist, Tattooed & Feminist stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Westfield, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I knit and crochet bravery beanies for kids battling cancer.

Why are you participating?: 

I grew up in a highly dysfunctional family and did not make the best choices as a teen/young adult. I have since over come an eating disorder, drug addiction, and homelessness. I am the mother of two amazing boys, and am a year away from obtaining my doctorate and becoming a child psychologist. I have faced judgment due to my appearance and/or status and now actively work against social stigma and oppression.

Brenda: Atheist, Tattooed, Feminist - I knit and crochet bravery beanies for kids battling cancer.

Why Participate