fbpx Beryl | No Evil Project: Millennial, Beach Walker & Entrepreneur stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I created the "day of diversity" which was a campus wide event that took place April 1st to bring students, staff, and faculty to become aware of ALL diversity - tattooed people, pierced people, gay people. We had lectures and guests to speak from as far as Boston. We had prizes for all who participated in the event - No need to stare - make a new friend and share a culture was the theme of the day.

Why are you participating?: 

I love my school - I believe we have to express love and kindness. So this was right up my alley.

Beryl: Millennial, Beach Walker, Entrepreneur - I created the "day of diversity" which was a campus wide event that took place April 1st to bring students, staff, and faculty to become aware of ALL diversity - tattooed people, pierced...
Exhibit Location: Banner 93

Why Participate