fbpx Ang | No Evil Project: Green-eyed, Wedding Planner & Felon stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I buy gift cards for grocery stores and give them to homeless people. I teach kids how to art. I foster dogs who are waiting for homes. I teach unemployed moms and senior citizens computer skills.

Why are you participating?: 

Because I did something stupid when I was 18 and have been treated differently for over a decade based on a label. I've dealt with being denied jobs, being denied friendships, having my work and kindness dismissed, all over the discovery of one little word. I know this is a bit heavier than most of your other submissions, but I feel it's important.

Ang: Green-eyed, Wedding Planner, Felon - I buy gift cards for grocery stores and give them to homeless people. I teach kids how to art. I foster dogs who are waiting for homes. I teach unemployed moms and senior citizens computer skills.
Exhibit Location: Banner 30

Why Participate