fbpx Amit | No Evil Project: Educator, Feminist & Uncle stereotypes redefined
No Evil Project - Show that people aren't defined by their labels.


Worcester, MA
United States
Tell Us Your Good Deed: 

I started a GoFundMe campaign to help a co-worker who was facing foreclosure, and raised $28,000 in less than a week. She was an amazing human being and people stepped up to return the love she had given to others over her lifetime.

Why are you participating?: 

We can use more love, peace and justice in our lives, and no-evil is a good reminder that good people surround us everyday.

Amit: Educator, Feminist, Uncle - I started a GoFundMe campaign to help a co-worker who was facing foreclosure, and raised $28,000 in less than a week. She was an amazing human being and people stepped up to return the love she had...

Why Participate